Actually it's something akin to Memorial Day from what I was told. At any rate, it meant we had no staff meeting this morning and the two fruit/veggie stands closest to my apartment were closed. (Meaning that I had to go all the way around the corner. But more on that in a bit.)
It feels really good to be back in my nice cool apartment. It was hot in my office today. I suppose I could have turned on the AC, but that would have meant closing my door and since Arman wasn't in there most of the time, I would have been cut off from everybody else, which would just make life boring.
Speaking of my office, this is it:

And here are some of the grapes which grow outside of the studio:

But anyways, after work today I decided to go to a fruit/veggie stand to acquire an onion and whatever else struck my fancy to go with my remaining eggs which I have decided to cook for dinner. So I went to the one around the corner, which is operated by two middle-aged guys. I asked for one onion (in Russian), and there was the usual confusion of:
--"One onion"
--"One kilogram of onions?"
--"No, one onion. One piece."
And then the odd looks for buying only one onion. But see, I figure, when you're only one person, and when fresh fruits and veggies are available on a daily basis, there's no point in buying in bulk when things are only going to go bad! I also bought one carrot. To be fair, it's like a carrot on steroids--it's the size of three normal carrots. For whatever reason carrots in the former Soviet Union grow big. We got them like that in Russia too. Maybe it's Chernobyl....
But anyways, I then attempted to pay for my carrot and onion. And was laughed at and sent on my way. Apparently I bought such a pathetically small quantity of food that it wasn't even worth paying for! I'll probably go buy some fruit from them tomorrow and insist on paying--even if I do only buy one piece!
As long as uploading pictures seems to be working, here are a few from this weekend. I went with Vardan to paragliding again. This time he did actually get to fly. I just kinda sat there and watched. But I did get some good photos. And then at the end we drove through the mountains to go pick up one of the other paragliders who had landed some 40 or 50 km away in a village. Very pretty "road"! We had to ask directions from some shepherds along the way.
Oh, and that gaudy palace thing that some oligarch owns? I'll post a picture of that too. (It was out the car window, so it's not the greatest.)

Well, I think I'm going to post this now before my internet connection disappears. Bye!
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